Combined Labeled Statistics

Virginica Analysis Combined Unlabeled

Number of samples   = 150
Number of variables = 5

Min Value =     1.000000     4.300000     2.000000     1.000000     0.100000
Max Value =     3.000000     7.900000     4.400000     6.900000     2.500000
Mean      =     2.000000     5.843333     3.057333     3.758000     1.199333
Variance  =     0.671141     0.685694     0.189979     3.116278     0.581006
Std Dev   =     0.819232     0.828066     0.435866     1.765298     0.762238
Abs Dev   =     0.666667     0.687556     0.336782     1.562747     0.658133
Skew      =     0.000000     0.308641     0.312615    -0.269411    -0.100917
Kurtosis  =    -1.519933    -0.605813     0.138705    -1.416857    -1.358179

Correlation = 
    1.000000     1.153577    -1.194866     0.656232     1.531825
    1.153577     1.000000    -0.325745     0.596363     1.295885
   -1.194866    -0.325745     1.000000    -0.556825    -1.102013
    0.656232     0.596363    -0.556825     1.000000     0.715578
    1.531825     1.295885    -1.102013     0.715578     1.000000

Covariance = 
    0.671141     0.530872    -0.152349     1.372483     0.597315
    0.530872     0.685694    -0.042434     1.274315     0.516271
   -0.152349    -0.042434     0.189979    -0.329656    -0.121639
    1.372483     1.274315    -0.329656     3.116278     1.295609
    0.597315     0.516271    -0.121639     1.295609     0.581006

Inverse Covariance = 
   21.406177     2.395476     0.857949    -4.894416   -13.041757
    2.395476    10.582767    -6.617180    -7.862196     4.280502
    0.857949    -6.617180    11.092803     6.284423    -6.693639
   -4.894416    -7.862196     6.284423    11.150762   -11.531834
  -13.041757     4.280502    -6.693639   -11.531834    35.639352

Eigen System =
   4.838434  ( 0.357404   0.334025  -0.080346   0.800593   0.336579
   0.252386  (-0.207030   0.688526   0.684749  -0.097139  -0.068946
   0.095781  ( 0.482893  -0.441478   0.611414  -0.146679   0.420202
   0.036655  (-0.689175  -0.433128   0.303487   0.490804   0.066671
   0.020841  ( 0.348214  -0.178485   0.242346   0.295318  -0.837225

Virginica Analysis Combined Unlabeled

Copyright (c) 2016, Stephen Soliday